
Dear friends,

I’ve had a bananas October, and I know many of you have, too! The days are getting shorter, air is cooling, and maybe things will chill out for a bit (probably not).

On top of seeing clients, traveling to help my mom recover from hurricane flooding, and traveling to visit and support some other family members, I have been prepping to open a new location in Manlius! I start seeing clients this week (beginning of November) and am really excited to offer bodywork in this new area!

I have some other updates below, but also just want to a moment to say: hi! I truly hope you’re holding up okay!

If massage would be helpful for you this month, please check out the schedule online or text me if you don’t see anything that works for you.



November 9th

Self-Massage for Stressed-out Queers

I am very excited to be a part of Queer Pleasure Month organized by the wonderful Cassandra Corrado!

In this workshop, you'll learn how the body holds stress, pain, and tension — and how you can take relief into your own hands. Using simple tools to work with those stubborn knots and aches, you'll build skills to help your body find more ease and comfort in your day-to-day.

In this workshop, we'll cover: 

  • Anatomy of common areas for stress and tension 

  • How to work with your myofascial structure

  • Simple and adaptable self-myofascial massage practices to help deal with tension and pain

Click here to register

Workshop recording will be available to participants for 30 days after the live event!

Want to support access to queer self-care?
Contribute a pay-it-forward ticket for this & other workshops!

Certified Sarga Bodywork Practitioner

It is official! I have finished my certification process, and will start offering barefoot massage sessions to new & existing clients!

I am still working on making a full page with all the Sarga information, but for now here is a sped up snippet of a session! You can see the actual time in small numbers at the bottom.

Manlius office is now open!

Here are some “before” pictures of the space. I’ll share soon some final pictures of the space!

Location: 206 E Seneca St!
More location info