who is massage for?
Those with pain and tension, from an old injury or a new stressor. People feeling stress and anxiety in their bodies. Those who are fatigued, burned-out, whose bodies feel overused. People of all identities, sizes, ages, abilities, and genders.
massage to slow down.
Step 1 is to communicate safety to your body. Using intentional, slow, and adaptable pacing, your massage is shaped to allow your body to rest and enter a parasympathetic state.
Jae will say, “I work really slowly.” Working with slow strokes, sustained pressure, and intentional techniques allows your body’s myofascial system to soak up the massage and experience the greatest benefits.
massage that is for you.
Your needs, health & injury history, and goals are the guiding forces. Every session is a collaboration. Every session is unique.
types of massage sessions
about your massage therapy session:
Yes, there may be times when receiving massage therapy would not be safe or helpful.
Active infections: massage is not advised if you currently have an active infection - respiratory (cold, flu, etc), skin infections, or anywhere in your body.
Certain conditions will require approval from your primary care physician to book your massage. These include: pregnancy, cancer.
Some conditions may require adaptations to your massage treatment, possibly avoiding certain body parts or adapting pressure or techniques used. These include: pregnancy, unmanaged high blood pressure, recent injuries or surgeries, compromised immune system, acute liver or kidney disorders, acute autoimmune disorders, surgical implants, advanced diabetes.
Your safety and health is the highest priority. I will communicate fully if there are any reasons massage is not advisable, or if we need to get approval from your doctor. If massage is not appropriate for you at a certain time, we can always make a plan for future treatments or talk about other safe, therapeutic bodywork or movement practices.
If you're unsure if massage is safe for you, contact Jae to talk it through!
Intake: you and Jae will get to know each other by talking through your paperwork planning your session together
Settling in: Jae will leave the treatment room for you to undress to your comfort and lay on the table
The session: Jae will communicate throughout the session about what is happening and how you are feeling. Different modalities and techniques are used in all sessions to try to address pains, ease tensions, and help you feel more centered and grounded.
After: Jae will leave the treatment room for you to transition back into time and space. Once you are dressed and ready you can meet her outside the treatment room to check out and book your next session.
Massage table is 32” wide 63” long and is rated to hold 600lbs of dynamic pressure. The chair in my office is rated to hold 800 lbs.
Massage table is 32” wide 63” long and is rated to hold 1000lbs of dynamic pressure. The chair in my office is rated to hold 500 lbs.
Masking is not required in Gaea Wellness. Jae will continue to wear a mask during sessions.
Some things to keep in mind:
If you are feeling well and have not spend time around people who are sick with contagious conditions (think colds and flus), you do not need to wear a mask.
If you are feeling well but have been around people who have been sick, it is very helpful if you wear a mask to your session. As a massage therapist, if I get sick I need to cancel all my appointments so as not to endanger my clients. Thus getting sick means I lose income.. I appreciate your consideration in this matter!
If you are not feeling well, please reschedule your appointment!