• Integrative Massage

    Integrative massage sessions blend different modalities to create a customized session for you and your body.

    We will discuss before and during our session the use of different modalities, and you can always ask questions!

    All integrative sessions combine different modalities & techniques to create a holistic session for you and your body. Pressure is provided with the therapist's hands and forearms. Firm pressure is used discerningly.

    What to expect: blend of different modalities, focus on your goals, working with your body’s systems .

    More about modalities here.


    30min, 45min, 60min, 75min, 90min, 120min

  • Prenatal Massage

    Relaxing and safe bodywork to help pregnant clients with tension and pain throughout their pregnancy. Bolsters are used to comfortably position clients in reclining and side-lying positions throughout their massage.

    Available to pregnant clients with doctor's approval.


    60, 75, or 90 min

  • Barefoot Massage

    Barefoot bodywork sessions use Sarga techniques: slow, myofascial, deep tissue massage applied by the therapist's feet.

    Barefoot massage can provide deeper, more consistent pressure due to the broader surface area of a foot compared to a hand. Sarga practitioners utilize a fabric strap to balance and provide tensional force in addition to the gravitational force.

    Can be combined with hands techniques. Usually Sarga barefoot work will be used to warm-up the body, and then we will utilize other modalities for more targeted work.

    " This was really really relaxing, like being hugged with a weighted blanket on."

    "The slow, smooth movements allowed me to feel the stress being pushed away."

    What to expect: slow, firmer pressure provided through the broad surface of the therapist's feet.


    75min, 90 min, or 120 min

scheduling question?

click here to contact Jae